Temp: 11.8°C   Baro: 1001.8mb
  Wind: 2.0mph   Dir: E (100°)
  Rain: 0.0mm (0.0mm/hr)
  Sun: 0W/m2  Humidity: 86%

Historic data

Bath Spa Weather Station Historical Data
Yearly Summary for 2024 Units:  Metric    English   Both
Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly Custom
  High: Low: Average:
Temperature: 31 °C -7.3 °C 11.6 °C
Dew Point: 20.5 °C -8.8 °C 8.4 °C
Humidity: 97% 39% 82%
Wind Speed: 69.2km/h - 6.4km/h
Wind Gust: 74km/h - -
Pressure: 1040.5 hPa 970.8 hPa -
Precipitation: 691.6 mm    
Historical Graphs
Years Tabular Data
Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: mktime(): Argument #4 ($month) must be of type ?int, string given in /customers/8/4/1/paulwilman.com/httpd.www/WUHistory1/WU-History-inc.php:1390 Stack trace: #0 /customers/8/4/1/paulwilman.com/httpd.www/WUHistory1/WU-History-inc.php(1390): mktime(0, 0, 0, '1-', 1, '2024') #1 /customers/8/4/1/paulwilman.com/httpd.www/WUHistory1/WU-History-inc.php(1001): AddDate('1-', '1', '2024', 0) #2 /customers/8/4/1/paulwilman.com/httpd.www/WUdata.php(27): include('/customers/8/4/...') #3 {main} thrown in /customers/8/4/1/paulwilman.com/httpd.www/WUHistory1/WU-History-inc.php on line 1390
2024 Temp (°C) Dew Point (°C) Humidity (%) Sea Level Pressure (hPa) Wind (km/h) Gust Speed (km/h) Precip (cm)
January high ave low high ave low high ave low high low high ave high sum